Publication and Research Highlights
Tribotronic control and cyclic voltammetry of platinum interfaces with metal oxide nanofluids. C.M Seed, B. Acharya, V. Perelygin, A.I. Smirnov and J. Krim, Applied Surface Science, 566, art#150675 (2021)
Controlling friction with external electric or magnetic fields: 25 examples, J. Krim, Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering: Tribology 5 art #22 (2019)
QCM Study of Tribotronic Control in Ionic Liquids and Nanoparticle Suspensions, C.M. Seed, B. Acharya and J. Krim, Tribology Letters 69 art# 83 (2021)
Tuning friction and slip at solid-nanoparticle suspension interfaces by electric fields, B Acharya, CM Seed, DW Brenner, AI Smirnov, J Krim, Scientific Reports 9 art#18584 (2019)
Simultaneous stress and mass change measurements arising from laser induced detuning of a quartz crystal microbalance, L.H. Goodman, E.S. Bililign, B.W. Keller, S.G. Kenny, and J. Krim, Journal of Applied Physics 124 art#024502 (2018)
Friction and energy dissipation mechanisms in adsorbed molecules and molecularly thin films J. Krim, Advances in Physics, 61, 155-323 (2012)
Correlation of high frequency QCM sphere-plate stiffness measurements with macroscopic frictional contacts in thin film and bulk stainless steel materials, C.M. Seed, B. Acharya, R. Andrus and J. Krim, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 306 art# 111913 (2020)
Synergistic effect of nanodiamond and phosphate ester anti-wear additive blends B. Acharya, K. S Avva, B. Thapa, T.N. Pardue, J. Krim Lubricants 6 56 (2018)
“A Combined QCM and AFM Study Exploring the Nanoscale Lubrication Mechanism of Silica Nanoparticles in Aqueous Suspension“B. Acharya, M. Chestnut, A. Marek, A. I. Smirnov, J. Krim, Tribology Letters 65 art # 115 (2017)
“Nanotribology of a Kr Monolayer: A Quartz Crystal Microbalance Study of Atomic-Scale Friction”, J. Krim, D.H. Solina and R. Chiarello, Physical Review Letters 66, 181-184 (1991)
“Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Observation of Self-Affine Fractal Roughness in Ion-Bombarded Film Surfaces”, J. Krim, I. Heyvaert, C. Van Haesendonck and Y. Bruynseraede, Physical Review Letters 70, 57-61 (1993)
“Experimental Observations of Self-Affine Scaling and Kinetic Roughening at Sub-Micron Lengthscales”, J. Krim and G. Palasantzas, International Journal of Modern Physics B 9, 599-632 (1995), invited
“Multilayer Adsorption on a Fractally Rough Surface”, P. Pfeifer, Y.J. Wu, M.W. Cole and J. Krim, Physical Review Letters 62, 1997-2000 (1989)
“Triple Point Wetting of Light Molecular Gases on Au(111) Surfaces”, J. Krim, J.G. Dash and J. Suzanne, Physical Review Letters 52, 640-643 (1984)
“Damping of a Crystal Oscillator by an Adsorbed Monolayer and Its Relation to Interfacial Viscosity”, J. Krim and A. Widom, Physical Review B 38, 12184-12189 (1988)
“Experimental Observation of Interfacial Slipage at the Boundary of Molecularly Thin Films with Gold Substrates”, E.T. Watts, J. Krim and A. Widom, Physical Review B 41, 3466-3472 (1990)
“Complete and Incomplete Wetting of Krypton and Oxygen on Graphite: Reentrant Type 2 Growth on a Scale of Substrate Strength”, M. Bienfait, J.L. Seguin, J. Suzanne, E. Lerner, J. Krim and J.G. Dash, Physical Review B 29, 9983-987 (1984)
“Study of Contacts in an Electrostatically Actuated Microswitch”, S. Majumder, N.E. McGruer, G.G. Adams, P.M. Zavracky, R.H. Morrison, J. Krim, Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, 93 (1) 19-26 Aug 25 2001
“Sliding Friction of Xenon Monolayers and Bilayers on Ag(111)”, C. Daly and J. Krim, Physical Review Letters 76, 803-806 (1996)
“Superconductivity-Dependant Sliding Friction”, A. Dayo, W. Alnasrallah and J. Krim, Physical Review Letters 80, 1690 (1998)
“Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study of the Thick Film Limit of Kinetic Roughening”, G. Palasantzas and J. Krim, Physical Review Letters 73, 3564-3567 (1994)
“X-ray Reflectivity and Adsorption Isotherm Study of Fractal Scaling in Vapor-Deposited Films”, R. Chiarello, V. Panella, J. Krim and C. Thompson, Physical Review Letters 67, 3408-3411 (1991)
“X-Ray Reflectivity Study of the Growth Kinetics of Vapor-Deposited Silver Films”, C. Thompson, G. Palasantzas, Y.P. Feng, S.K. Sinha and J. Krim, Physical Review B 49 , 4902-4907 (1994)
“Effect of the Form of the Height-Height Correlation Function on Diffuse X-ray Scattering From a Self-Affine Surface”, G. Palasantzas and J. Krim, Physical Review B 48, 2873-2877 (1993)
“Friction at the Atomic Scale”, J. Krim, Scientific American, cover story for the October 1996 issue, 275, 74-80 (1996), invited
“Dominance of Phonon Friction for a Xenon Film on a Silver (111) Surface”, M.S. Tommassone, J.B. Sokoloff, A. Widom and J. Krim, Physical Review Letters, 79, 4798-4801 (1997)
“Triple Point Wetting and Surface Melting of Oxygen Films Adsorbed on Graphite”, J. Krim, J.P. Coulomb and B. Bouzidi, Physical Review Letters 58, 583-586 (1987)
“Scanning Tunneling Microscope Measurements of the Amplitude of Vibration of a Quartz Crystal Oscillator”, B. Borovsky, B.L. Mason and J. Krim, J. Appl. Phys. 88, 4017-4021 (2000)
“Surface Science and The Atomic-Scale Origins of Friction: What Once was Old is New Again”, J. Krim, Millennium Volume of Surface Science on Frontiers in Surface and Interface Science, C.B. Duke and W. Plummer, eds., Surf. Sci., 500, 741-758 (2002)